(All) 17 Years of Learning How to be Thankful

 This entry was posted on Wednesday, December 11th, 2019 at 6:55 pm

Confidence and security are such an interesting thing. After doing this for approximately 17 years I still think about the first client that I ever worked with. Upon finishing the program that he was in; he would go on to thank you me for everything that I did to help him. It was my first time getting a thank you in a situation such as this and thus I overthought it and then told him, “it was all you I didn’t do anything you did everything.” He looked at me with a determined look and said directly, “you can’t take a compliment, can you?” He was right, and therefore the reason I never forgot it.

It would not be the last time that someone would hit me between the eyes with truth. I’m at much more peace now in my life than I’ve ever been and as a result, hearing someone thank me does not leave me making excuses, in fact, it leaves me deeply honored. Now, I actually embrace their words of thanks, make sure to let them know how much that truly means to me, and better yet, I mean it from the depths of everything that is important to me.

You have to understand I never imagined I would ever get the chance, or the blessing, that people would actually put their trust in me due to a long history of insecurity, beating myself up, always believing that I was stupid. I’ll never be able to fully explain how fulfilling it is for some guy like me and the fact that people actually put their trust in me.

For anyone that I’ve had the privilege to work with over these past 17 years, I deeply thank you. For anyone that I may have the privilege to work with in the future……. I can’t wait


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