(All) Everything is kicking my ass

This entry was posted on Monday, August 12th, 2019 at 6:21 pm

I know it’s probably just me (sarcasm assumed), but I can get into a place easily where it just feels like everything is going against me. Shoot, if I were being honest, I can get into a place where literally EVERYTHING is not going against me, but even when something good happens I make an excuse (I was lucky, it was a mistake, etc.). So, the question is: How do I begin to shift the course when the negative momentum seems to be all I have?

First off, how do I get some wins (Short-Term Wins). This is vital, as the idea is that if you can begin to get some wins this will offset the negative momentum. Once we get enough short-term wins, we can begin to change the momentum. Lastly, once the momentum shifts, now we are no longer making excuses for positive things happening and creating a flow.

When I am in that place where everything seems to suck, stick to some bullet points:

1)     Recognize the need for Short-Term Wins.

2)     Identify some quick, positive results for the emotional lifts they can provide.

a.      Short-Term Wins provide the faith needed to sustain change efforts.

3)     Change the momentum

a.      Without sufficient wins that are visible, timely, unambiguous, and meaningful, change efforts invariably run into serious problems

(sustained negative momentum) 


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