(Men) Crash through the surface, where they can’t hurt us

 This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 3rd, 2019 at 8:27 pm

I can get into a pretty dark place. A place that if only exposed to others would most likely leave them looking at me in a different way. This place is scary, unnerving, potentially violent, and very toxic. For the longest time I thought I was the only one. So many years I struggled to hide real fear, dark thoughts, and even darker ideas. I felt powerless, I felt alone, I felt hopeless. I felt broken as a person, insignificant, and a worthless example of a boy/man. It was in these darkest of places that I lingered.

Over the past week, my family and I were out of town. While we were gone, I had the privilege of watching the movie “A Star is Born”. I ended up liking the movie more than I ever thought I would. In the end, the movie is about a man and a woman. Each present themselves in certain light, but through the course of the film you begin to see how the presentation is a façade…….at least for one. Ultimately, the façade crumbles, the truth is exposed, and a harsh reality unfolds. It left me with tears in my eyes, so saddened and connected to the pain.

At 44 I recognize that I am not alone, and neither are you. By exposing the struggle, the shame gets removed and truth begins to emerge. Shame being, “there is something wrong with me.” There is nothing wrong with me, but as the kids say……” the struggle is real.”

Don’t believe me, check out what these guys had to say.



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