(ALL) Just Breathe!!!!!!

 This entry was posted on Monday, June 3rd, 2019 at 8:27 pm

Hey guys, I came across this article and wanted to share. I have bullet points below, but I would highly recommend reading the article at the bottom for a thorough understanding. You can print these bullets out for a quick glance.

Breathing is so pivotal in our ability to slow down, focus, and make better more pragmatic decisions………. especially in the heat of a moment. I cannot stress this enough, get proficient in your breathing exercises helps you to perform better in life……. not just athletes, but all of us.

#1 Box Breathing

·       All you need to do is picture a box with equal sides, where the inhale (breath in through your nose), the holding of the breath, and exhale are all four counts (four seconds approx.). “As you take in a breath, for four counts, visualize traveling up one side of the square. Next, imagine moving across the top of the square during the four counts of holding your breath. Then follow the breath down the right side of the box on the exhale and watch it travel across the bottom of the square on the breath hold, following the exhale.

·       Repeat the pattern.

·       Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to box breathe correctly:

     o   Start by sitting with your spine as straight as possible.

     o   Close your mouth and eyes. And exhale all of the air out of your lungs.

     o   Next, inhale slowly through your nose, counting 1-2-3-4.

     o   Now close the valve at the back of your throat and hold your breath for that same count. “When you do this, keep a slight lifting sensation as opposed to clamping down, causing pressure on your heart and lungs,” Divine suggests.

     o   Next, exhale slowly through your nose to that same count. Hold your breath again after the exhale.


#2 Tactical Breathing

·       Another effective breathing technique practiced by the SEALs is called ‘tactical breathing’. The method focuses on slowing the breathing rate down by breathing through the nostrils, counting to four for each inhale and exhale.

·       “The difference between tactical breathing and box breathing is that the latter includes a breath hold after the inhale and exhale,” Divine explains. Secondly, “box breathing is done as a daily practice to permanently alter your unconscious breathing — for better stress management, enhanced mental and emotional awareness and improved mental control, notes the fitness expert.

For optimal results, both Divine and Everatt suggest practicing this breathing exercise first thing in the morning. “I recommend a minimum of five minutes, and up to twenty. It’s key to do it daily until your nervous system is re-wired with the slow, deep diaphragmatic breathing patterns,” he says.



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