(Men) Work is easier for me than being home.

 This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019 at 6:04 pm

At work, I have felt a level of success that I have rarely felt at home. I struggle at home, as a husband, as a father, heck, even as a son. In my struggles at home I have tended to point fingers, struggled with taking ownership, battled resentment, wrestled with my insecurity, and left too many times feeling depressed.

Marriage is hard, and I think that my wife would say the same thing. Marriage is hard, especially when I am feeling hurt and weak, and it is even harder when I am unable (or unwilling) to be vulnerable in my difficult time. So, if you feel like you are unable to talk openly and genuinely, well, what do we tend to do……. we isolate. So now, not only is my marriage struggling, now I am isolating in it and not resolving anything.

Having kids is hard, and I think that my wife would also say the same thing. I have not felt really successful as a father. I have felt guilty, I have felt shame, I have felt anger, resentment, and on and on and on, but successful has not been a consistent feeling. So, what do I do?

Isolation is not effective, long term.


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