Why are some people more resilient than others?

 This entry was posted on Thursday, September 20th, 2018 at 7:10 pm

Many years ago, our friend Tom Tanner had this stunning revelation, “The darkest moment of your life is the beginning of your finest hour.” It resonated with me as I had been through my own darkest hour(s) up to that point, and I was able to look back to see how things fell into place almost magically which resulted in it being a watershed moment, not just another shitty moment in my life.

Since that time, I have had the privilege to connect with many people, who also have had some very dark moments. Some of the people were able to connect with the moment, try to make sense of it, and then somehow/someway work themselves through it. Others also had their very dark moments, yet for some reason could not work themselves through it and lived in the recurring darkness. So whats the difference? How can one recover, and yet one continues to be stuck in the stronghold of a moment?

Resiliency is not something I have been blessed with. For me, resiliency looks like this……. keep showing up and keep pushing. I know when my resiliency meter is low and I want to give up. There are only two things I am an expert at, me (because no one knows me better than me), and giving up (because of all the times I have given up in my life). So, what’s the difference between the person that is able to somehow/someway work through their darkest moment vs the person that lives in the recurring darkness. One person has determined to keep going, one has determined that their personal resistance is a safer bet. Ill let you decide which one is more likely to have inner peace.


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