Discouraged? JUST KEEP GOING!!!!!!

 This entry was posted on Thursday, April 19th, 2018 at 3:47 pm

I have been battling with discouragement lately. For anyone that knows me, you might know that Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has become a true passion in my life. For transparency sake, I am a novice by every stretch of the imagination. I am clumsy, awkward, struggle with the guidance and direction given, am in pain, often feel overwhelmed, struggle with the idea that I am the absolute worst one in the class, and on and on and on. I have hit this wall in the last two months where it is work just to go to class. On my drive there I feel that push and pull of an internal struggle where my mind tries to beat me up, my body feels lethargic, and there is a still small voice of hope/encouragement just trying to squeak out to get me to latch onto it. I am not sure exactly when this lethargy happened, because for over a year I was both mentally and physically dedicated to three sessions a week of training. I am in it, the thick of it, although not a life-threatening or debilitating disease, it is my current struggle that is weighing on me because I want so badly to overcome it and beat it. The “it” I mean is the old me, the one that would give up in the face of adversity. The old me that would make excuses when things got tough. The old me that would have a “whoa is me attitude”. The little boy inside that wants to temper tantrum, quit, and then blame it on someone else. Much like life though, this is a microcosm of the daily struggle of quieting the old self, while building and continuing to grow the purposeful resilient self. The key to it for me, just keep going. When you don’t feel like it, go anyway. When your mind is distracted, go anyway. Just keep going. Don’t make excuses, just keep going. If you are afraid, do it afraid.


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