
(ALL) Ibogaine and the Remarkable Impact on PTSD

(ALL) How Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has made me look at life differently

I heard the Director Guy Ritchie say this one time about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and it stuck. “In BJJ your only currency is on the mat. No one cares how much money you make, how successful you are, its simply the currency that you reveal on the mat.” To this day, BJJ is still the best thing I ever did for my own mental health. Here is a breakdown from a friend, of what he has learned through this process and how it has helped in so many other areas of his life.   7 things I learned on my road to a BJJ black belt On December 21, I was promoted to a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Now that the dust has settled a bit and I’ve had some time to reflect, I wanted to share with you 7 things I learned about life from reaching this milestone. Even if you’re not into martial arts, I want to encourage you to read this article anyway because the principles transcend every aspect of life. 7 things I learned on my road to a BJJ black belt Earning my Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) black ...

(ALL) 5 Quick Ways to Stop Anxiety


(Soldiers) In Waves and War movie

Highly decorated Navy SEAL Marcus Capone returns from Afghanistan and attempts to readjust to civilian life. But years of unprecedented warfare have left Marcus with treatment-defiant PTSD, traumatic brain injuries, and severe depression beyond what current government treatment options can effectively address. Fearing for Marcus’ life, his wife, Amber, finds hope in a groundbreaking therapy combining two powerful psychedelics unapproved for use in the U.S., but with seemingly limitless applications.

(All) Brotherhood

The two pictures above represent two stages of my life. The first, when I was around 7/8, I would meet a kid named Luke Misemer on my under 8 soccer team who would go on to have an incredible impact on my life. The second picture is a great group of friends (Luke second from left), who would represent such blessings in my life through a lifetime of challenges, with some success sprinkled in. In all, true brotherhood.  We recently lost Luke to Stage 4 lung cancer. 47 years young. When he told me the news of his cancer, to say I was devastated would be a complete understatement. He was my best friend for 40 years. 40 years of true friendship, 40 years of some conflict, 40 years of unbelievably good times, and 40 years of not knowing that 40 years was ultimately not long enough.  I was recently speaking with my therapist through my tears when he asked what I thought was essentially the reason he ultimately meant so much to me. I would’ve thought that the answer was pre...

(MEN / Military) Ambio Experience for PTSD

Listen to the vido with DJ Shipley directed to (MEN / Military) Ibogaine Treatment has become a real opportunity for military to receive cutting edge therapeutic treatment for PTSD. Check out the video below, and then you can also check out their site: